How to Use
In this article, you’ll know the usage process of Spicy AI App. If you are a new user then don’t panic, we’ll cover every detail of the application. In case, you are very new to download Apps other than the Google Play Store then follow below steps.
Download & Install
First of all, you’ve to download the application from our website, once you install the application then open the downloaded files and install the application. The installation process may take few minutes, please bear few minutes till the process ends. In case, you encounter any error please check your internet connection and try again. Additionally, you can also contact support team if the issue is making trouble again and again.
Sign Up / Log In
When you are done with download and installation process then sign up by filling some information about yourself. After that just login by entering your login credentials. The App doesn’t require personal information from users, just name, email, and general data requires. If you face any hurdle then contact customer support, the team will assist you further and share you the right path to Sign up and log in.
Set Up Your Profile
After the log in, complete your profile to help the AI understand you better. Add your name, and choose your interests, and customize your preferences to make conversation more entertaining. The latest AI application lets you generate your profile image, just enter prompts and it will generate a friendly profile photo for you.